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China Lake Shorefront Property Damage

May 1, 2024

Throughout March-April, two feet of snow and more than two inches of rain was followed by a rise in China Lake’s water level — its highest level since 1983. The result? Property damage and an influx of phosphorous that could spell three disastrous words later this summer: an algae bloom.

“We are extremely concerned about the short and long-term effects that the recent water level will have on the health of China Lake. We are working with the Towns of China and Vassalboro, Kennebec Water District and Maine DEP to restore and safeguard the lake from future harm.” 

-- Stephen Greene, President, CLA

We need your help!

China Lake Association (CLA) is collecting information to determine the extent of shorefront property damage that may have occurred as a result of China Lake’s abnormally high water level. If your shoreline property experienced damage (submerged riprap/vegetation, eroded shorefront stabilization, etc), please complete this online form ASAP.

Feel free to contact or with questions.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. This information will be tremendously valuable as we work to reinforce, in real terms, the importance of maintaining a stable water level for China Lake.

P.S. Read more about Maine DEP’s Lake Level Order (guidelines for water level throughout the year) for China Lake and the process used to manage the Outlet Dam.

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