China Lake Watershed-based Management Plan
Alum Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Glossary
Algae are a microscopic, unicellular organism found in freshwater all over the world.
Algae bloom
A dense overgrowth of cyanobacteria. Also referred to as a HAB (Harmful Algal Bloom).
Aluminum sulfate
One of aluminum’s compound forms (aka “alum”) consisting of aluminum, sulfur, and oxygen. It is commonly used by water treatment plants, including Kennebec Water District, to create drinkable water.
Also, the “alum” found on grocery store shelves is a different compound called potassium aluminum sulfate.
China Lake Association
China Region Lakes Alliance
Multi-cellular bacteria that live in lakes all around the world, including China Lake.
Their presence, species composition, and abundance can be used as an indicator of water quality. Blue-green algae is a term formerly used to describe cyanobacteria, which are not true algae, but photosynthetic bacteria that can form dense growths (blooms) in lakes when nutrients are plentiful, water temperature is warm, and sunlight is abundant. These blooms are an indication that the ecology of the lake is out of balance.
Refer to Maine DEP’s cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins page for more information.
A type of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) containing toxin-producing cyanobacteria: Microcystis, Dolichospermum (previously Anabaena), and/or Planktothrix.
Refer to Maine DEP’s cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins page for more information.
Dissolved oxygen
The concentration of oxygen gas incorporated into water.
Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)
A dense, overgrowth of toxin forming blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).
The lower layer of water in a stratified lake, typically cooler than the water above and relatively stagnant.
Internal recycling/loading
This is the process of phosphorus being released from lakebed sediment into the water column when levels of dissolved oxygen are low during the summer. The more phosphorus that gets released, the greater the chance an algae bloom will occur and result in degraded water quality.
Kennebec Water District
Maine DEP
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
The microcystis species of blue-green algae/cyanobacteria that produce the natural toxin, microcystin.
Acidity or alkalinity of a solution – 7 is neutral. The “solution” in the case of WBMP is the water in China Lake.
An essential mineral present in all living organisms; it helps form DNA and RNA. In the context of China Lake, too much phosphorus in the water and lakebed sediment fuels nuisance algae blooms.
Potassium aluminum sulfate
A food additive ideal for pickling and canning. It helps create crisp pickled fruits or vegetables.
Sodium aluminate
Sodium aluminate is a chemical compound of sodium, oxygen and aluminum. It is used to balance pH levels in water when applied with aluminum sulfate.
The tendency of lakes to form separate and distinct thermal layers during warm weather.
The distinct transition layer between warmer mixed water at the surface and the cooler deep water below.
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Water Column
Vertical section of water from the surface to the bottom
Watershed-Based Management Plan